[K.CLONE-Heated Bed]
- Laminate FR4 1.6+-0.15mm
- 2 layer, 2oz copper
- Blue Soldermask - both sides
- White Silkscreen - bottom sides
- Power Input: 24v or 12v
- Tempoerture Sensor(100Kohm) Input : Connector type / Molex 5267-02(pitch 2.5mm)
- resistance between 1.2 and 1.4 ohm
- 135 degrees Celsius possible for 24V
- Running 24V will heatup the heatbed to 100 degree in only 5 minutes
- 180 degree Celsius max. temperature
- Featured Power source : 24V / 360watts
K.CLONE-Heated Bed(260x260) for K290
- 260 mm x 260 mm active heated area.
- 280 mm x 280 mm total PCB size.
- In use clone-K290 / S270 / S290
- Made in KOREA
K.CLONE-Heated Bed(300x300) for K300
- 300 mm x 300 mm active heated area.
- 320 mm x 340 mm total PCB size.
- In use clone-K300 / LM300 / LM400 / LM700
- Made in KOREA

KCLONE-K290-V1.1-HeatedBED-top.pdf | KCLONE-K290-V1.1-HeatedBED-bottom.pdf

KCLONE-K300-V1.1-HeatedBED-top.pdf | KCLONE-K300-V1.1-HeatedBED-bottom.pdf
